Sunday, June 26, 2016

Who Knew Squirrels climbed trees?

CInda and Happy, both desert dogs have discovered a whole new world here in the forest. The very first day found them exploring on double time everything and every new smell. Among the discoveries was a duck sitting on a nest of 5 eggs. As they approached her nest, mama duck went flying and quacking away from the nest, flapping like she was injured, and led the two naive dogs away from her nest in a merry chase to catch a duck. I watched in awe as Cinda went right into the lake in hot pursuit, forgetting that, up until now, she HATED getting wet! Mama duck keeps them away from the nest, and the eggs are so far all safe.

Morning opened with showers and grey skies. After a few hours of work, we decided to take a trip to Sault Ste. Marie, a two hour drive north to the border of Canada and USA. We lunched at The Antlers, a landmark restaurant started in the early 1940's, and our family's eating tradition for almost that long. We bought our deck stain at the Sherwin
Williams store, provisions at Walmart, then headed home to end the day fishing on the dock in beautiful weather.

Angela leaves at 4:00 am to catch a flight to Chicago via Detroit. Ada, bless her heart, has offered to drive her to the Kinross airport. The kids and I will try some early morning fishing. Wish us luck!!


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