Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lunch at the BIS

Why is the building owned by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) round? My guess is that in the 1950's or 60's when it was built its intent was to represent the full circle of its partnership: the Central Banks of most countries in the world. Security measures to enter the building are considerable. I was allowed to enter because Angela was sponsoring me, which meant her ID card, one she must wear visible at all times, and my passport were offered up for 10 minutes of scrutiny, my picture was taken, and I was issued my own ID card. Next, we had to scan the ID cards individually and in front of us before a green light allowed us to pass into the stall and through the electronic gate. The next barrier is a big glass circle. Standing in front of the doors, they electronically open, then must completely close behind us before the doors into the "inter chambers" of the building are opened. Meanwhile, one has ample time to read the "no photography" warnings.

The interior of the building is nicely appointed and the wide halls run in an inside circle, opening up to the offices, all along the outside of the circle, with great views of Basel. Angela's office is one of these, with two 4X7 windows, looking out over the city. Angela's title is " Member of the Secretariat - Monetary and Economic Department, Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems" Have you wondered why I have not attempted to describe her work?

I had come by myself (my first solo outing) to the BIS to have lunch with Angela. The dining room is elegant, and the offering of food is impressive! Another member of the Secretariat, a man named John, joined us for lunch. John is here from Turkey, and speaks French and English fluently. This workplace is so international! As I walked through the dining room I heard multiple languages being spoken, but English is the requisite language - lucky for me!

When I returned from lunch, I took a new route home. I need to start getting my bearings, as my phone does not work here, and all signs are in Swiss German. If I were to get lost, it would be a challenge! This is a wonderful city, and I hope to get to know it like I now know New York City.

Jeff and his girls are arriving any minute from Arizona. Needless to say, they will be experiencing a climate Change, and soon they will be enjoying this wonderful travel opportunity with the rest of us! Love, Liz

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