Portsmouth is a wonderful historic town, established in 1752 when William Crawford took 65 acres of his plantation and laid out streets (with names such as London, King, Queen, and High) and half acre lots. He named the new community Portsmouth after his hometown in England. Tonight we will stroll down High Street (very close to our marina) to dine in a unique and historic restaurant, of which we hear there are many! Rain is predicted for tonight, so when and if we depart in the morning is up to the weather. We are right at Mile Marker 0' at the bottom of the Chesapeake Bay and the beginning of the Intra Coastal Waterway (ICW). At mile marker 10 we make a choice - to follow the Dismal Swamp or take the Virginia Cut. Stay tuned! love, Liz
So when you say you will have "showers tonight" you mean both kinds.