Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Devils Tower

Day two of this journey began with a spectacular sight of the big Cottonwood Canyon and crossing over the pass. The day ended with the spectacular sunset on Devils Tower in Wyoming. Poking out of the plains of Wyoming for 867 feet from its base stand this amazing rock. We made camp, and toasted a good day of driving. We visited the Devils Tower National Monument Visitor Center the next morning, however it was closed due to Covid. Still, getting that close to that monstrous structure was awe inspiring.  A long day of driving brought us to Loren's beautiful home near Minneapolis MN. I drove on alone the next day, missing the good company and the drive sharing! 

Liz Meyer 

From the Desert to the Mountains

All of a sudden circumstances fell into place for me to take a van trip! A friend was staying  in the guest house, and she could watch the dogs and house. Another friend needed a ride to his home in Minnesota, and with Covid concerns, a van trip was the safest route.  Angela and her family were planning to gather at Hatch Haven, and I quickly decided to join them.  Leaving early from 29 palms, as the temperature would be rising to 111 that day, Loren and I shared the driving and got to Salt Lake City that night, covering 700 miles that day.  Loren suggested we reward ourselves after that long day with a detour up through Big Cottonwood Canyon the next morning.  The early morning sun backlit the Mountains, pines and cottonwood trees as we travelled up this river canyon.  We drove through some of the most elite ski resorts this country offers, and climbed up to a 10,000 foot height to traverse the mountain pass.  What a glorious way to start our second day of travel!

Liz Meyer