Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ring side seat!

This is how close the racing teams were coming to our boat last night, as they raced to the finish! We are now at anchor in Selby Bay at the mouth of the South River. This small bay reminds me so much of Hatch Haven, our Island in Michigan. Beautiful old f amily summer homes line the shore, while there is a marshy grassland at one end ov the cove, where we are anchored. Kev and Judith are out exploring in the kayaks, and when they return we,ll go swimming. The next post will show a picture .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Night To Remember

Tonight we are moored in the bay right off from the Annapolis Academy. General Les Palm (retired) and his wife Suzanne joined us by water taxi for a wonderful dinner of Rockfish, a delicacy Fish in this region, prepared by Judith. The special part of this evening was that Les and Suzanne are long time friends of mine, dating back to when Les was the General of our Marine Corps base. They introduced Kev and Judith to me, thus initiating the good friendship that finds us on this cruise together. Wednesday nights in Annapolis are the sailboat racing events, and all the races came in to the finish very close to our boat, so we had a ring-side seat. Good friends, good food, beautiful weather, and exciting racing events truly made this a night to remember!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

After a night of being rocked soundly to sleep, I began the day by looking for the sun-the orb to which I have always sought my bearings. Our boat is in Annapolis Landing - a beautiful 40 foot cutter rig, an Island Packet 380. Her name is "Viagem" (pronounced via jean in Portuguese) and it means "journey". Kev and Judith and I took an interesting trip to Quantico to visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps art archive warehouse. The Wounded Marine Careers Foundation, directed by Kev and Judith, is providing an opportunity for Wounded Warriors to be trained in art preservation. Following an impressive tour of the warehouse, we lunched at the Globe and Laurel Restaurant, which is a museum in itself of Marine history.

I am writing this in the cozy confines of the salon, while a raining deluge is pelting the boat, offering the raining, thunder and lightening sounds that thrill me. Being back on a sailboat again dredges up memories and delights I have not experienced in a long time.

Sent from my iPad

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Liz's Log: A Special Update

Liz at Starbucks "blogging" on her new Ipad
I'm Excited to tell you about a new update for Liz' Log! We are moving to the blogosphere with a dedicated site just for Liz's Log. I'd like to invite you to visit to follow future posts and pictures. Once you are there, you will have three different options to see future updates. You can bookmark the site and visit from time to time to read current updates; you can hit "Follow" to subscribe and read updates in your favorite blog reader; or you can enter your email address to receive an email whenever a new post is added. There's a section at the end of each blog post for your comments, and I look forward to seeing what you have to say.
Today I am starting my next adventure, which will be a two week sailing trip down the Chesapeake Bay. My good friends Kev and Judith have invited me to be their "third mate" on their sailboat which they live on full time as they make this voyage. I have not been sailing since Dave died, and I look forward to getting my sea legs back. I am in Phoenix now, and Jeff will take me to the airport tomorrow. I have him to thank for stepping up my technology level with an ipad and the new log site. Love, Liz

Monday, June 20, 2011

A New Home for Liz's Log

They say you can't teach an old doq new tricks. I am attempting to disprove this theory. Tonight I am sittting next to my coach (my son Jeff) with a brand new iPad, a new Blog site, and a new opportunity to share my travels and my musings with my family and friends. The learning curve for me is at once daunting and exciting. For those of you patient enough, I hope to bring you along On my adventures. My next adventure begins a week from today, when I fly to Baltimore MD to be the Third Mate on a sailing trip down the Chesepeak Bay. My good friends Kev and Judith have invited me aboard their sailing vessel for this trip. I look forward to your joining me! Love,Liz Meyer